If anyone lives anywhere near Santa Maria, CA.... come out for a 5 buck breakfast at Cool Hand Luke's. We are serving breakfast on May 28th and June 11th. You can't beat $5.00 for a pancake breakfast.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Brave the Shave Fundraiser at SM Speedway - May 28th
This is the fundraiser that our Event Chair is doing for the American Cancer Society. Mark your calendar.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Committee Meeting - May 2nd, 2011
We need more teams. Talk to anyone that we think would want to start a team. Every committee member should try to sign up 2 new teams.
Cut off date for business card entry will be June 6. They should really be turned in by the May Team Captain Meeting.
There will be a new Grand Marshall this year and a surprise Honorary Chair.
Kids Camp is sponsored again this year. Things are coming together nicely. They need sign ups to help with the camp. A one hour shift would be good. We need donations of juice boxes, candy, and small toys at the June Captain's Meeting.
We saw the survivor badges. They are sheriff badges with purple ribbons. They are really cool.
Rodeo parade will be our next big job. We will meet the day of at around 7 pm to decorate.
We need video work done. Bring Dave Machin to next meeting.
We need info to get where it needs to be. Programs, fundraising, sponsors, etc. Move the information along to committee members. Programs need to be printed and we need special thanks and sponsors. We can also put stuff up on the site.
Cut off date for business card entry will be June 6. They should really be turned in by the May Team Captain Meeting.
There will be a new Grand Marshall this year and a surprise Honorary Chair.
Kids Camp is sponsored again this year. Things are coming together nicely. They need sign ups to help with the camp. A one hour shift would be good. We need donations of juice boxes, candy, and small toys at the June Captain's Meeting.
We saw the survivor badges. They are sheriff badges with purple ribbons. They are really cool.
Rodeo parade will be our next big job. We will meet the day of at around 7 pm to decorate.
We need video work done. Bring Dave Machin to next meeting.
We need info to get where it needs to be. Programs, fundraising, sponsors, etc. Move the information along to committee members. Programs need to be printed and we need special thanks and sponsors. We can also put stuff up on the site.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Going Crazy Update
Arlene gave me the notes from the March Captain's meeting. I guess I wasn't the only one that got mixed up. The room wasn't even available. Anyway, there is a new business card sales program. For a $100 donation you can put your business card in the program. Sounds like a good deal to me. Thanks.
Description of Program: Click Here
Donation form: Click Here
Description of Program: Click Here
Donation form: Click Here
Monday, April 4, 2011
Committee Meeting April 4, 2011
We need more signs for the day of the event. We need signs on the 101 freeway to let people know where the event is. We will need Cal Trans permission to put signs up on one side of the freeway. If you know anyone who can donate signs, let Tony know.
Our current decoration chair has decided that the only way she can get help decorating is by having a contest. Teams will make a fake building that looks like old western buildings. Winners will win $500. See attached flier.
Survivor tent will have cakes donated and water. There will be a cooler with lots of ice. The dancing at midnight will still be going on. The dance floor will be moved out. Coolers have been donated and most of the decorations are taken care of.
We need horseshoes for centerpieces. The high school welders will make them into cancer ribbons.
Business card sales need to have the team name on them. You can give the money to a certain person, but the team name has to be on it. Put the forms in the team captain envelopes.
Food committee has been started, but help is needed. We will posting food donation forms soon. We need fruit and pastries for the survivor breakfast. Donations, donations, donations.
Team captains need to assign one person to help clean up. We need help cleaning up. We need lots of people cleaning up. We need some incentive to encourage people to stay and clean up.
The program is going well. We need a roster of committee members and we need a picture of all of us. Pictures next committee meeting. Wear your western gear. We also need a spotlight family to put in the program. Let us know if you can think of anyone.
We need people to sign up for games and events. We will be putting a list of events together and email blasting the team captains.
Send all emails through Tony first and he will get read and sort through them. Deb cannot answer all the questions since she has too much to do.
Thanks, Tara
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Our current decoration chair has decided that the only way she can get help decorating is by having a contest. Teams will make a fake building that looks like old western buildings. Winners will win $500. See attached flier.
Survivor tent will have cakes donated and water. There will be a cooler with lots of ice. The dancing at midnight will still be going on. The dance floor will be moved out. Coolers have been donated and most of the decorations are taken care of.
We need horseshoes for centerpieces. The high school welders will make them into cancer ribbons.
Business card sales need to have the team name on them. You can give the money to a certain person, but the team name has to be on it. Put the forms in the team captain envelopes.
Food committee has been started, but help is needed. We will posting food donation forms soon. We need fruit and pastries for the survivor breakfast. Donations, donations, donations.
Team captains need to assign one person to help clean up. We need help cleaning up. We need lots of people cleaning up. We need some incentive to encourage people to stay and clean up.
The program is going well. We need a roster of committee members and we need a picture of all of us. Pictures next committee meeting. Wear your western gear. We also need a spotlight family to put in the program. Let us know if you can think of anyone.
We need people to sign up for games and events. We will be putting a list of events together and email blasting the team captains.
Send all emails through Tony first and he will get read and sort through them. Deb cannot answer all the questions since she has too much to do.
Thanks, Tara
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Testing Photo Imports from iPad
This has nothing to do with Relay for Life, but since I am now the Online Chair I thought I better figure out how to be more technical. Here is a picture of my neighbor's yard. We are thinking of doing something similar in our backyard to stop the flooding. After the last rain we were under quite a bit of water.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Going Crazy
I showed up to the Captain's Meeting a week late. I was totally on time, had my name badge on, and money to turn in. However, the parking lot was bare as a baby's butt. Sorry guys. I forget that the meetings are the 3rd Thursdays instead of the last Thursdays. I even put it in my calendar wrong. I must be trying to do too much. I'll get the info from Arlene later.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Committee Meeting - March 7, 2011
Committee Meeting March 7
Rally on March 10th - (I know I am late posting this)
No mailers this year, but we did email blasts and radio and tv spots this year. There was a good turn out so I guess everyone got the information.
50 teams already have signed up. That is half our goal and we have about 10 weeks to go.
There was a 10 minute video about what it means to relay and our Chair, Tony Gonzales, had his mom talk about surviving breast cancer.
Other agenda items were: how to fight back against cancer, how to form a team, and how to raise donations. We ended with birthday cake to celebrate more birthdays.
Follow up plan. Make sure that you call them and make sure that they sign up.
Important information at www.xoutcig.com to help kids stay away from tobacco.
Relay for Life has gone National. That means that the events are changing and we get more help from the American Cancer Society. You will be seeing some new systems coming on line including new programs at the event. However, now pins this year. This year committee members and team captains will get some exciting new gifts. Survivors also will not get pins this year. We have decided that they should get Sheriffs badges to match our theme that we will pay for.
The programs we will have business card sales in the back. We will be getting forms soon. Businesses can pay $100 and get their business cards in the program. The money goes toward the team money. Turn in the forms and the money at the Captain's meetings.
Paint the town purple will be our next big event after rally. May first is the traditional date, but Janna has something cooking up for us and she will let us know at the next meeting.
The Rodeo float will be after that. Let's help decorate. Rodeo is the first weekend in June and the parade is on Saturday morning.
We still need help running committees. We need about 4 people to organize the food. We need help with accounting and spirit points.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Team Meeting Notes - February 8, 2011
We had our first team meeting at Panera Bread on February 8th. Here are the highlights.
1. We have decided not to run a reverse drawing. It seems like too much trouble for us to pull off.
2. We have decided to do a fundraiser at Cool Hand Lukes again this year with the other Marian Medical Center teams. We will most likely do that fundraiser in May. More details to come.
3. We have also decided to another food fundraiser. The date needs to be determined. Terry needs to contact her friends at Taco Roco and see if they would let us do a one night fundraiser there as well. If Taco Roco doesn't work out, we will most likely do a BBQ lunch with my friends and do a double fundraiser with the Breast Cancer Awareness group.
4. Terry says that she wants to make Angels that we would sell at the event. She is going to find out how to make them and get back to us.
5. I am continuing to hand make cards to sell from now until the event. I think that they would be good sellers and I need to get rid of some of my extra scrapbooking supplies. We can sell them at events and at our places of work.
6. I still have scrapbooks from last year that I can still sell this year. Maybe we can get rid of them this year.
7. We want to do a raffle with about 4 or 5 baskets. We need to gather donations from now until the end of March. Then we will make up the baskets, take pictures, make fliers, and sell tickets. The drawing will be held at the event.
Goodness, I think that is it for now. I will post the receipt for donated goods as soon as I remember how to do it. Hopefully we will get some good donations.
Thanks, Tara
1. We have decided not to run a reverse drawing. It seems like too much trouble for us to pull off.
2. We have decided to do a fundraiser at Cool Hand Lukes again this year with the other Marian Medical Center teams. We will most likely do that fundraiser in May. More details to come.
3. We have also decided to another food fundraiser. The date needs to be determined. Terry needs to contact her friends at Taco Roco and see if they would let us do a one night fundraiser there as well. If Taco Roco doesn't work out, we will most likely do a BBQ lunch with my friends and do a double fundraiser with the Breast Cancer Awareness group.
4. Terry says that she wants to make Angels that we would sell at the event. She is going to find out how to make them and get back to us.
5. I am continuing to hand make cards to sell from now until the event. I think that they would be good sellers and I need to get rid of some of my extra scrapbooking supplies. We can sell them at events and at our places of work.
6. I still have scrapbooks from last year that I can still sell this year. Maybe we can get rid of them this year.
7. We want to do a raffle with about 4 or 5 baskets. We need to gather donations from now until the end of March. Then we will make up the baskets, take pictures, make fliers, and sell tickets. The drawing will be held at the event.
Goodness, I think that is it for now. I will post the receipt for donated goods as soon as I remember how to do it. Hopefully we will get some good donations.
Thanks, Tara
Fundraising Update
I have been working with my son's school to raise money for Relay for Life. Since school started this year I have raised $210. Maggie Maratas helped me to sell cards for Valentine's Day. We raised $50. I also had some donations that didn't make it to on the tally for last year. My daycare providers did an aluminum can drive for us and collected donations from their parents. All in all we have raised $460 this year. We are just getting started.
Committee Meeting - February 7, 2011
Well, this year I am still the team captain for the Wild Wild West team and I am also now a committee member for the event. I am training to be the Online Committee Chair. That includes training in LA. It sounds pretty exciting. I will be posting information from the committee meetings as well as the team captain meetings and team meetings.
The Rally and Kick Off for Relay for Life 2011 will be on March 10th, 2011 at Palmer Hall. That is the regular meeting hall at Pacific Christian Church. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. BRING ONE NEW PERSON!!!!!
The Rally and Kick Off for Relay for Life 2011 will be on March 10th, 2011 at Palmer Hall. That is the regular meeting hall at Pacific Christian Church. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. BRING ONE NEW PERSON!!!!!
The Rally Flier is here.
Teams can sign up for campsites on March 10th. To qualify for a campsite teams need to have raised $1000, registered 10 team members or signed up a $500 sponsor. Since registration is free until Feb 15th, it should be easy to sign up 10 team members by March 10th.
There is a new suggestion box on the ACS main website. We are trying to get it to work properly, but we are having issues. It should be up and running soon.
Teams can sign up for campsites on March 10th. To qualify for a campsite teams need to have raised $1000, registered 10 team members or signed up a $500 sponsor. Since registration is free until Feb 15th, it should be easy to sign up 10 team members by March 10th.
There is a new suggestion box on the ACS main website. We are trying to get it to work properly, but we are having issues. It should be up and running soon.
Committee members will now be required to attend a mandatory meeting a few days before the event to walk the track and make sure that we all know where everything is.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
RFL Captain's Meeting - January 27, 2011
The first meeting of the new year. Just a few reminders:
1) Free registration is still going on until February 15. Everyone who plans on being at the event in July to walk needs to be registered. Registering now will save them the registration fees. Please spread the word.
2) We have been challenged as a group to sell 100 luminarias by March 28. Team who sells the most bars will get a pizza party and bounce house for as many people as they have on their team. You can download luminaria forms from the main ACS website and print as many as you need. They need to be turned into me by the next Captain's meeting.
3) There is a new Suggestion box on the main ACS website. Use it if you have any ideas for improving the event or you just want to use it for "shout outs". Thanks.
4) We have new banners with a thermometer on it. It will will show what our goals are for this year. Our goal is to reach $250,000 this year as a whole. We will be able to pass it around from team to team for events and fundraisers. Each team can have it for a week.
5) Our event banners are looking really poor. Two teams have purchased new banners. They are looking for team sponsors to purchase two more banners. Banners can be purchased for $150 from Next Day Signs. We can put our logo on the back and event dates on the front. Next Day Signs can change the banners each year as needed. They should last a few years. Maybe we can buy one banner for all the Marion West Teams.
1) Free registration is still going on until February 15. Everyone who plans on being at the event in July to walk needs to be registered. Registering now will save them the registration fees. Please spread the word.
2) We have been challenged as a group to sell 100 luminarias by March 28. Team who sells the most bars will get a pizza party and bounce house for as many people as they have on their team. You can download luminaria forms from the main ACS website and print as many as you need. They need to be turned into me by the next Captain's meeting.
3) There is a new Suggestion box on the main ACS website. Use it if you have any ideas for improving the event or you just want to use it for "shout outs". Thanks.
4) We have new banners with a thermometer on it. It will will show what our goals are for this year. Our goal is to reach $250,000 this year as a whole. We will be able to pass it around from team to team for events and fundraisers. Each team can have it for a week.
5) Our event banners are looking really poor. Two teams have purchased new banners. They are looking for team sponsors to purchase two more banners. Banners can be purchased for $150 from Next Day Signs. We can put our logo on the back and event dates on the front. Next Day Signs can change the banners each year as needed. They should last a few years. Maybe we can buy one banner for all the Marion West Teams.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Home - Army of Women
Hey All,
I just signed up for another cancer research project. In addtion to being a cancer research volunteer for the American Cancer Society. I have also signed up to be part of Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. This will hopefully find the causes of breast cancer and help us for find a cure. Check it out.
Home - Army of Women
I just signed up for another cancer research project. In addtion to being a cancer research volunteer for the American Cancer Society. I have also signed up to be part of Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. This will hopefully find the causes of breast cancer and help us for find a cure. Check it out.
Home - Army of Women
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